Mental Health Services

The Township Mental Health Committee, made up of River Forest resident volunteers, reviews the grant applications submitted each year from local agencies and makes funding recommendations to the Township Board of Trustees.
River Forest Township works with local agency partners to fund a wide range of programs in the areas of behavioral health, intellectual/developmental disabilities, domestic violence, underage substance use and addiction recovery. For FY 2024 funding was given to 19 programs under 12 agencies. These agencies were then able to provide over 18,000 hours in supportive services; over 1,500 hours of treatment services; 60 hours of education & advocacy for mental health.
Services include case management, respite care, behavioral health treatment, early intervention, prevention, substance treatment, education, outreach and support groups. This continuum of community-based services is cost-effective, systematically evaluated and responsive to evolving mental health needs.
FY2026 Grant Applications were due January 15, 2025 for the April 2025-March 2026 Fiscal Year. Any agency that meets the following criteria is eligible to receive funding from RFT:
● Agency must be a public, not-for-profit entity that has been in operation for at least one (1) year.
● Agency must demonstrate sound fiscal policies, financial reliability and stability.
● Service recipients must be River Forest Township residents who are living in River Forest Township at the time services are delivered. The funded agency assumes full responsibility and liability for proof of residency of its clients. Failure to do so will result in full repayment for the services provided and potential denial of any future funding.
Grant Agreements
1. We require each grantee to sign a Grant Agreement containing the terms of the grant, their W9 and ACH information. Grant request deadlines are published on our website.
2. We will pay for qualified services rendered to River Forest residents and/or a flat grant based on their application that is included in the Grant Agreement.
3. We must receive from all agencies with purchase of service grants the number of River Forest clients and services hours billed on a quarterly basis.
4. We require all agencies to submit yearly financial audits from a CPA.
5. We shall be notified within 30 days of any change to an agency’s executive director or funding manager.
6. Township funding cannot be used to supplement Medicaid or Medicare services. We are not responsible for payments for any client who is covered by state funding.
7. Grantee may be asked to participate in various meetings including quarterly consortiums held jointly with Oak Park Township Community Mental Health Board.
8. We function under non-discriminatory purposes and grantees must follow the Township’s Policy handbook in this area.
9. We may be able to make allowances for over spending the contractual state amount.
10. Payments may be suspended or contract terminated if stated conditions in said contract are not followed.
11. Funding Guidelines for requests of $2,500 or less, DHS reporting is not applicable.
First Tuesday of the Month Mental Health Committee Meetings - 7PM
January 7, 2025 - Agency Night (note: Funding applications due Jan 15, 2025) - 6:30PM start
February 4, 2025
March 4, 2025
April 1 , 2025
May 6, 2025
June 3, 2025 - Thank you dinner
The Committee then takes a break for the summer.