Senior Services

Senior & Disability Services of Oak Park and River Forest Townships provide a full array of services such as meals, transportation, care management, information/referral, as well a variety of support programs. We fund a number of cultural, and enrichment programs in collaboration with the River Forest Public Library. We partner with local colleges, community organizations, including our local village group, Arbor West Neighbors and the Celebrating Seniors Coalition to bring you programming. We are piloting a Homesharing Program for older adults in River Forest.
We work closely with the River Forest Township Assessor’s Office to help residents with property tax questions.
Many services are provided in conjunction with Oak Park Township see our Current Programming here. If you have questions or need assistance, please call the Senior & Disability Services of Oak Park and River Forest Townships at 708.383.8060.
Age Friendly River Forest
Read Age Friendly River Forest: Creating a Livable Community for All
(scroll to page 6)
SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program) Counseling
The Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) offers free consultations for those wishing to discuss their Medicare needs with a trained specialist. In-person appointments are now available select Fridays each month in the River Forest Township offices (8020 Madison St., 2nd Floor) for River Forest and Oak Park residents in addition to ongoing phone appointments. Issues can include:
Transitioning to Medicare and its available healthcare options
Assistance with creating an online Medicare account
Providing information on current Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans
Prescription drug and Medicare Advantage plan enrollments
Screenings for related Medicare benefits
Addressing and assisting in any additional Medicare concerns
Call Township Senior Services at 708-383-8060. Ask for Benefits to schedule a SHIP appointment. Advance appointments are required and usually last one hour. Learn more.
Upcoming Events
Contact Betsy Kelly for information about upcoming Senior & Physical Disability events and more - seniors@RiverForestTownship.org or call (708)366-2029 ext. 13
Coffee Monday - Monthly at River Forest Public Library, 10am- 11am
Mahjong - Every Thursday at River Forest Community Center, 1-3pm
Benefit Counseling - Third Thursday at River Forest Township Office
SHIP Counseling - Fourth Fridays at River Forest Township Office
Card & Game Night - November 18, 4-6pm at River Forest Community Center
River Forest Township
Senior News
The River Forest Senior Newsletter is a monthly email especially for Older Adults in River Forest.